CTC Foundation Promotes Stakeholder Partnerships in Sudan


CTC Foundation Promotes Stakeholder Partnerships in Sudan

In his capacity as Vice-Chairman of CTC Foundation, Mr. Ahmed Amin has been forging partnerships with various stakeholders in Sudan in contribution towards the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


CTC Foundation, Sudan (September 21, 2021) - CTC Group believes in doing business “the right way”, behaving ethically, contributing to sustainable development and improving the quality of life of its workforce and their families by designing its activities to be financially profitable, socially beneficial and ecologically sustainable. CTC Group is a signatory to the UN Global Compact, and all CTC Group employees are formally required to adhere to the CTC Group Code of Business Ethics.

Beyond that, the Group has set upthe CTC Foundation to act as a custodian of the Group’s Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility mandate and to ensure the efficient deployment of resources to achieve impact at scale. The Foundation has extensive operations in the areas of public health, education and poverty alleviation, with a particular focus on capacity building in the agricultural community. The CTC Foundation also supports many local youth and cultural organisations.

Ahmed Amin has been instrumental in fostering partnerships with other stakeholders to deliver impactful projects that are making a difference inpeoples’ lives. Most recently, the Foundation signed a partnership agreement with UNICEF Sudan to support in improving the quality of lifesaving maternal and child health & nutrition Services in Darfur states – the western region of Sudan. The overall objective of the project is to improve access to quality lifesaving health, nutrition and WASH services for mothers, new-borns, and children aiming to reach a total of over 660,000 in thetarget areas.


About CTC Foundation

The CTC Foundation is a resource for CTC Group’s philanthropy and humanitarian work. Its purpose is to develop charitable partnerships and deliver projects that align with CTC Group’s values with a particular focus on the areas of youth and female empowerment, public health, education and poverty alleviation, and capacity building in the agricultural community.

Find out more https://ctcgroupltd.com/sustainability


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