Mr. Ahmed Amin Abdellatif presents a paper about investment opportunities in Sudan in PARIS CONFERENCE ON SUDAN


Paris, 17th May 2021:

Paris International Conference on Sudan took place on 17th May 2021. The conference aimed to encourage public and private international investors to invest in Sudan after its removal from the list of state sponsors of terrorism.


As part of Paris Conference, a Business Forum hosted by MEDEF International aimed to achieve following objectives:

·       Signal the full normalization of Sudan in the International community

·       Inform foreign investors, private sector, bankers about the economic reforms undertaken by the Government of Sudan

·       Highlight investments opportunities in Sudan in both public and private sectors

The Business Forum held in the morning of 17 May. That three-hour side-event aimed to present opportunities in Sudan for foreign companies. First, the Sudanese Government presented its reforms to improve the business climate and the remaining challenges. The Business Forum emphasized on three economic sectors: agriculture, energy and mining, and infrastructures.


Both business success stories of investment in Sudan and ready-for-launch flagship infrastructure projects presented to foreign investors, in order to encourage them to return to the country.

The private sector paper presented and discussed by Mr. Ahmed Amin Abdellatif (CTC Group President) highlighting some of the salient features and challenges in the sector, and the huge investment opportunities and their impact on sustainable development and economic growth of Sudan.



BUSINESS FORUM (MEDEF -55 avenueBosquet,75007 Paris, May 17, 2021)

Mr. Ahmed Amin Abdellatif

Mr. Ahmed Amin Abdellatif, president of CTC Group, one of the leading business groups in Sudan.

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